Challenge for all
Lifting the Lid / More Able Learners
The Lifting the Lid strategy enables teachers to be aware of all learners needs and lessons are planned to support every student. The emphasis of the strategy is on high quality questioning, differentiation and challenge in the classroom. This means that there is no ceiling for our learners and that every student can go above and beyond. We aim to ensure that every student, every lesson, every day will experience this high quality teaching and learning.
We also want our students to have enrichment opportunities to help Lift the Lid. Through our school values of respect, hard work and progress, we enable the best experience and opportunities for our learners. The wide range of subjects offered across the school, extra-curricular clubs and events, House competitions and outdoor learning chances means that all learners are able to truly succeed and excel at Theale Green School.
KS3 Reading lists
Year 7
Shakespeare – A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Autobiography – Chinese Cinderella, Anne Frank, Touching the Void
Poetry – Creatures
Novel – Holes, My Sister Lives on the Mantelpiece
Year 8
Novel – Frankenstein
Poetry – Other cultures & traditions
Media – Magazines
Play – War Horse
Year 9
Novel – Animal Farm, 1984
Poetry – Man or Monster
19th century crime – The Speckled League Band, The Red-Headed League
Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth
KS4 Reading Lists
Shakespeare – Romeo and Juliet or Macbeth
Prose – Jekyll and Hyde or A Christmas Carol
Play – An Inspector Calls
KS5 Reading Lists