“Logic will take you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” Albert Einstein
Art, Design & Technology offer broad opportunities to learn and respond creatively to the world around you, allowing imaginations to soar and building key skills in I.T, cultural awareness, communication and problem solving. The subjects offer an opportunity to combine academic and creative thinking with practical skills. The goal is to design and manufacture inspirational products and make creative outcomes that can have a positive impact on society, culture and the way we live.
We invite you to take a look at the work of our amazing students, our Instagram account: Thealegreenart
Art & Design KS3
Students are enabled to become independent learners through an engaging and challenging curriculum which aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to develop their creativity. We offer the opportunity to explore a wide variety of learning experiences, working in paint, print, ceramic, 3D, collage and many others. Projects involve recording observations, experimenting, developing ideas and responding to the artwork of others. Ultimately, our projects offer the chance for children to express themselves and encourage our students to become resourceful, innovative and creative individuals. Assessment focuses on three strands, final pieces, analysis and sketch book work.
Technology KS3
A structured Key Stage 3 course ensures that all students experience the wide range of design and technological challenges. An appreciation of the social and environmental impacts of products enables our designers and manufacturers of the future to make morally informed decisions in a world with limited resources. Teaching, learning and assessment focuses on ability to design and make functional products while expanding subject knowledge and analytical skills.
In Textiles, students experiment with materials and processes including learning how to use the sewing machines effectively to create a variety of outcomes, including garments, soft furnishings and products for specific target markets. Students learn practical techniques and explore topics such as ergonomics, anthropomorphics, design specification and client needs on their journey towards well-constructed outcomes
In Graphic & Product Design they are introduced to technical drawing methods, paper based engineering and the design process. Students create objects in card, wood, metal and plastic using our dedicated workshop and computer aided design.
In Food, students undertake a variety of activities that develop their skills as chef. Our teaching kitchen offers the chance for students to work in pairs and experience both sweet and savory meal planning, preparation and cooking. Life skills are acquired through learning to cook, with the principles of nutrition used to inform healthy life choices.
At GCSE we can run a wide range of courses; Photography, Fine Art, Graphics, Textiles and 3D Design. The courses are structured to provide smooth transition from Key Stage 3 and help secure knowledge of new and exciting processes and techniques, for example Photoshop and studio lighting in Photography. Learning is delivered through project work and time is allocated for students to take creative risks, learn from mistakes and push forward with exciting ideas of their own. Ideas are generated from looking at and finding inspiration in the work of artists and creative people from around the world. We set open project briefs like “the natural world” and encourage students to pursue their own sub-themes to allow them to engage fully in their creative endeavors.
The department is well resourced, with a dedicated computer suite, photography studio, dark room, kiln, sewing machines, screen-printing facilities, oil painting and workshops. With a dedicated technician, help is on hand for students to access equipment so they can develop their own approaches to project work. Our art rooms are vibrant learning spaces, covered in the amazing art work our students create.
We like to keep the studios open as much as possible so students can access resources after school. We celebrate student’s achievements by communicating with home, display and formal exhibition of art work at school and in the wider community. We also encourage our students to enter national competitions and create a wide variety of opportunities to learn out of the classroom, including gallery visits, practical workshops, photoshoots and working with professionals.
We follow the AQA courses and students’ projects are assessed in 4 key areas – observation, experimentation, developing ideas in connection to the work of others and personalized final pieces. GCSE examination specification and assessment criteria can be found here:
A Level
We offer 3 different A levels in Art, Photography and Textiles, they are all two year courses. On the course you will have the opportunity to create a personalized coursework project, which we look forward to supporting you with, to develop both practically and conceptually. With dedicated sixth-form space to work in you will be encouraged to devise your own creative journey and select from a wide range of styles and approaches to making. The coursework is best understood as an extended investigation into a topic, subject or theme. We help students adjust to the project work by starting the course with experimentation and learning new technique. Alongside this is an in–depth look at theory, technical skills and a range of contemporary and historical creative professionals. Key strengths in our department are the way we share thoughts and ideas, helping to break down the artificial barriers between different artistic disciplines and styles, which in-turn helps create a supportive team approach to learning. During the course we support students to prepare a practical portfolio of work for careers and further education.
Assessment objectives are the same as GCSE but more in-depth, all courses are delivered through AQA and the coursework has an independent study unit attached which includes 3000 words of extended writing. The exam unit is also a practical unit of a similar nature to the coursework but conducted over a shorter time frame, leading to a final piece produced within a 15 hour time frame.
AQA subject details:
The creative industries are some of the UK’s most successful, varied and fastest growing sectors. They provide millions of fulfilling job opportunities, some of which will be explored within the curriculum. Here are a few examples of what some of our students are doing now: professional photography, fashion editorial, architecture, furniture design, gallery work, theatre/stage design, film/television, advertisement, interior design, super bike design and manufacturing, portraiture & wedding photography. The following excellent websites featuring careers in the Arts: