“Whether you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, or you want to pursue a career in the 21st century, basic computer programming is an essential skill to learn” – Stephen Hawking
Computers are everywhere in modern society, from the washing machine to the TV, from the Console to the Smartphone we use computers every day. Our aim at TGS is to make everyone familiar with how to use computers effectively, to understand how they work and how they affect the society we live in. Computer Science is a creative subject and builds problem solving skills and logical thinking.
Key stage 3 Computer Science aims to help our students develop key computing skills that they will need in the future. In addition we aim to develop an interest in the subject and an understanding of how computers are relevant in modern society. We develop pupil’s problem solving skills with an introduction to programming and computational thinking. Our curriculum is aimed at developing skills relevant to all subjects whilst preparing students for the GCSE in Computer Science.
The Computer Science course is designed for students who have an interest in the way computers work and an interest in, and aptitude for, programming which requires logical and mathematical thinking. The course focuses on students understanding how systems work rather than just using them. This will involve looking at developing programs and applications as well as the role of networks and computer systems. As part of this course of study you will need to have a keen interest in problem solving and creating programs using appropriate programming languages, such as Python. The qualification gives a key level of understanding of key computing concepts and the fundamentals to programming. You will learn about:
- Fundamentals of Algorithms
- Programming in Python
- Fundamentals of Data Representation
- Computer Systems
- Fundamentals of Computer Networks
- Fundamentals of Cyber Security
- Relational databases and Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Ethical, Legal and Environmental Impacts of Digital Technology on Wider Society, including issues of Privacy
The course studied is from AQA: Assessment is in the form of two written exams.
A Level
The A Level course builds on the GCSE curriculum developing a deeper understanding of the concepts involved but also allows for a great deal of independence and creativity in the individual project which allows students to develop their own system based on a topic of their choice.
“At its heart lies the notion of computational thinking: a mode of thought that goes well beyond software and hardware, and that provides a framework within which to reason about systems and problems.” (CAS-Computer Science: A Curriculum for Schools).
The course studied is from AQA: Assessment is in the form of two exams and a pupil led project.
Computing allows you to develop your logical thinking and problem solving abilities, these are relevant regardless of the area that you want to pursue for a career. GCSE and A level computer science allow you to demonstrate these and other key skills. The subject can lead to a variety of routes including apprenticeships and University. In a recent study Computer Science is the 5th and 9th highest earning University course in England. Common Computer Science Careers include;
- IT Consultant
- Cyber Security
- Multimedia (3D design, animation, video etc..)
- Games Developer
- Software Developer
- Computer Networking
- Computing Hardware