“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history” – Mahatma Gandhi
Why study History? It’s all in the past! At Theale Green we aim to inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past and develop a passion and understanding about Britain and the wider world. We challenge students to ask critical questions, weigh evidence and develop strong arguments. These important skills enable pupils to not only become excellent Historians and learners but also conscientious and well informed members of their community.
Key Stage 3
We begin Year 7 by studying conquest and power. We develop student’s core historical skills and students will be assessed on their knowledge and understanding of key events and people such as the Domesday Book, Crusades, Magna Carta, Black Death and the English Reformation.
In Year 8, students will study society, exploration and industry. Starting with examining differing historical interpretations of Oliver Cromwell, the transformation of Britain during the Industrial Revolution and exploration of the “New World”. Students will become more confident in recognising second order concepts and will be assessed on their ability to make decisions and judgements in relation to these.
Students finish KS3 by studying conflict in the modern world. The study of World War One, World War Two and the Holocaust provides students the opportunity to develop their understanding of historical controversies and extended writing skills. Students will be assessed on their ability to draw conclusions and judgements as to the importance and significance of historical events and to examine the utility of contemporary evidence.
Throughout KS3 students will develop their investigative skills, have the opportunity to debate and discuss historical events and develop their extended writing skills. They will also have the opportunity to get creative, building their own artefacts such as a Motte and Bailey Castles, WWII rations and Tipis. We also visit numerous historical sites such as Warwick Castle and the hugely moving WWI Battlefields Trip to France and Belgium. These trips allow our students to see history in action and broaden our understanding of the topics they study in school.
We follow Edexcel GCSE 9-1. We have chosen to study paper 1- Crime and Punishment through time, c.1000- present day. This will enable students to assess the similarity and differences of criminal activity, law enforcement and punishment throughout history in Britain. We will also study the historical environment of Victorian Whitechapel, specifically the crimes of Jack the Ripper. Paper 2 consists of the American West c.1835-1895, examining the cause and consequence and importance of the relationship and conflict between the Plains Indians and white settlers. Paper 2 also consists of Anglo-Saxon and Norman England c.1060-1088, focusing on the key features of the battle for the throne of England and Saxon and Norman life. Finally, Paper 3 – Weimar and Nazi Germany 1918-1939, through the examination of contemporary sources and historical interpretations we examine the reasons for the failures of the Weimar Republic, the rise of Adolf Hitler and life in Hitler’s Germany.
Students sit 3 public exams at the end of two years, consisting of 1 hour and 20 minutes each.
A Level
At A Level we also follow Edexcel. Students study three topics and complete one piece of coursework. Paper 1 examines Britain, 1625-1701, conflict, nation and religion. It examines in depth the “world turned upside down” of the English Civil War and the return to stability through the Glorious Revolution. Paper 2 examines Russia in Revolution, 1894-1924, the ending of the 300 year Romanov Dynasty and rise of the communist Bolshevik party that was to dominate international relations for the next 80 years. Finally, Paper 3 examines Civil Rights and Race Relations in the USA, 1850-2009, from the struggle of emancipation of slavery to the election of Barack Obama. Students will use both contemporary evidence and historical interpretations to develop strong analytical skills.
Students will be assessed with 3 public exams at the end of the two-year period and an independently written 4,000 word coursework piece.
The Historical Association points out that History is a vital subject to prepare students for any career. History is learning about people, countries, societies and cultures - how they interact, the motives and emotions that can tear people apart into rival factions or help them to work together for a common cause (useful knowledge for team-building at work!). History is also learning to locate and sift facts - to identify truth and recognise myth, propaganda and downright lies and presenting what you’ve learned in a way that makes sense to others. All these skills are valuable in a whole range of jobs. Specific careers that allow you to share your passion and knowledge for History could include teaching in schools, museums & galleries, heritage sites & organisations, record offices, archives, libraries & universities, archaeology & architecture, conservation & horticulture, national & local government, the Civil Service & the Diplomatic Service, the Media, law, the police and Armed Forces.