We are delighted to be accepting so many students into our highly successful Sixth Form to continue their journey with us, in preparation for their next stage.
Jo Halliday, Headteacher said, “Today is entirely about focusing on our students’ successes and hard work, and celebrating their achievements. They are a year group full of character who have been an integral part of the school community, taking the lead in school musical and drama productions. Furthermore they are talented sportsmen and women, with many acting as Sport Ambassadors, working closely with local primary schools. I would like to personally congratulate every one of you on coming out of the other side of this tumultuous year in education. As a school, we have thoroughly enjoyed sharing your journey so far, and we are looking forward to welcoming you in to Sixth Form.”
Joanne Harper, CEO of Activate Learning Education Trust, said: “We are all incredibly proud of the achievements of our Year 11 students. Students are now able to rightly celebrate the results of two years of hard work and secure their Post 16 places, either in our Sixth Form, other educational establishments, apprenticeships or the workplace; we look forward to hearing of and celebrating their future successes.”
Theale Green School are continuing to support students by providing information, advice and guidance on GCSE results day.
Here are some of our students’ successes:
- Isobel O’Sullivan – achieved seven prestigious Grade 9s and three Grade 8s
- Charlie Wingrove – achieved six prestigious Grade 9s and three Grade 8s and a Grade 7 whilst taking a very active part in all school productions and performances.
- Madison Weatherley achieved five Grade 9s
- Amy McLaren – achieved two Grade 8s in Science having arrived from New Zealand in September with little Science background. She also achieved Grade 8s in English Literature and History
- Charlotte Webb – achieved a double Grade 9 in English Language and English Literature
- Mohammed Altrabsheh achieved six passes – including a Grade 7 in Science having arrived from Jordan (and a different curriculum in September)
- Dylan Wilkes, Tom Wells, Charlotte Webb, Amy McLaren all achieved five or more of the top two Grades of 8 and 9
- Carmen Garcia, Lucy Pither, Bethany-Anne Baldock, Min Toon, Summer Goodey-Miller, Sinead Phillips Isobel O’Sullivan, Isolde Wales – all achieved three or more of the top two Grades of 8 and 9
Congratulations to all of our students.