Theale Green Scholars Programme
Theale Green already has a strong Creative and Performing Arts, and Sporting extra-curricular programme. This is tied into the school’s house system through House Music, House Performance and House Matches. We are adding an extra string to our bow by launching the Theale Green Scholars Programme, where students will be given the opportunity to develop their academic abilities through an independent project linked to the subjects they are studying in class.
The word scholar when tracked back to its origin comes from the Ancient Greek word skholḗ, meaning spare time or leisure, which overtime came to mean, “conversations and the knowledge gained through them during free time”. This is a perfect description of what the Theale Green Scholars Programme is designed to be, a platform for students to gain additional knowledge about a subject in their free time with the support and guidance of their subject teachers.
As part of the Theale Green Scholars Programme each term students will be given the opportunity to complete a project formatted in a similar way to the Extended Project Qualification offered in Sixth Form. The project will be complementary to the topics being studied in the subject, and will develop and extend those topics to enrich their understanding of the subject. The project will be accessible to all students and each project will have a Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3.
The first Theale Green Scholars Project is being run by the Science Department for students in year 8 and is based around the theme of Climate Change. This theme has been chosen as not only does it link to the topics currently being studies in both Science and Geography but is also a very topical project with Climate Change being in the News on a regular basis. Students are currently putting together their project proposals and have chosen a wide range of topics to research ranging from a scientific investigation in changes in rainfall over time to a think piece of what the climate will be in the year 2050. We look forward to sharing the students work as they complete their project and become our first cohort of Theale Green Scholars in Science.

Science Scholars 2020-21 :
Ava Brittain – Level 3
Megan Lockley – Level 3
Emily Clifford – Level 2
Edward Haines – Level 2
Lucy McLaren – Level 2
Eddie Riches – Level 2
Isobel Townsend – Level 2
Olivia Townsend – Level 2
Charles Whitter – Level 2
History Scholars 2020-21
Owen Bushnell
Liam Duncton
Darius Parry
Rebecca Philpott
Exemplar work:
Students will gain recognition for their work through a reward system which recognises the projects they have completed.
Students would earn:
15 points for a Level 1 Project
30 points for a Level 2 Project
45 Points for a Level 3 Project
All students who complete a project will be awarded a “Subject Scholar” badge and certificate. The points are cumulative throughout Key Stage 3 with students working towards becoming a Bronze, Silver, Gold and eventually Platinum Scholar. At the end of term 3 in Year 9, students would be able to complete in the “House Scholar” competition by completing an independent project on a topic of their choice. The Head of House would put forward their favourite project for independent judging and the Houses will earn points as with House Music, House Performance etc.
The first Theale Green Scholars Project is being run by the Science Department for students in year 8 and is based around the theme of Climate Change. This theme has been chosen as not only does it link to the topics currently being studies in both Science and Geography but is also a very topical project with Climate Change being in the News on a regular basis. Students are currently putting together their project proposals and have chosen a wide range of topics to research ranging from a scientific investigation in changes in rainfall over time to a think piece of what the climate will be in the year 2050. We look forward to sharing the students work as they complete their project and become our first cohort of Theale Green Scholars in Science.
Students are still able to sign up to the Theale Green Scholars Programme, and for more details they can watch this assembly
Miss Joanne Porter
KS5 Coordinator for Science and Head of Piper House