Well done to all who took part in the Bebras challenge.
Young minds were clicking, whirring and buzzing when they took part in the Bebras UK computational thinking challenge in November.
More than 360 Year 7-10 computing students were set the challenge of solving a series of online puzzles and problems in just 40 minutes.
With over 272,000 students in the three age categories participating nationally, the challenge aims to get students excited about computing using problem solving and computational thinking.
The final results for TGS students were amazing! Our Year 7s achieved an average score of 91.6 out of 200, scoring above the national average of 83.53. We also saw some great individual success with the highest scoring students ranked ‘Best in school’ listed below:
- Junior (Year 7) – Lleyton Brittain
- Intermediate (Years 8/9) – Noah Radley (Y9)
- Senior (KS4) – Amy Wilkes (Y10)
Notably, Lleyton in Year 7 achieved a first for TGS, with a perfect 100%! This not only secures him the ‘Best in School’ award for Year 7 but puts him in the top 0.1% of participants in the country for this age group!
TGS saw a significant increase from last year in the number of students placing in the top 10% of the UK. These students, listed below, will receive a Gold certificate and be invited to participate in the next round, run by Oxford University in February 2022. Special congratulations to these students:
Junior (Year 7) Kaleb Allen, Xavier Brazil, Lleyton Brittain, Alex Doherty, Sophie Higgs, Bethany Holley, Adelie Martignon, Georgia Watson, Riley Wilson.
Intermediate (Years 8/9) Emily Clifford, Harry Quinnell, Toby Gibson, Noah Radley, Maddison O’Sullivan, Ellis Iles-Bellman, Keira Burgess, Ava Brittain.
Senior (KS4) Amy Wilkes.
There were 91 distinctions awarded to the top 25% in the school followed by 89 merits, which is the next 25%.
Well done to all students who participated in the Bebras challenge and had a go. Until next year!!