House events

House Performance
For this unique event each House is given a starting point from which they must create a play, a dance and sing a song. In previous years we have seen performances of Roald Dahl classics and famous horror stories. The students should also make their own set, provide their own costume, make programmes for the audience and special 3D programmes for the judges. This is a highly entertaining evening in which the stakes are very high indeed!
House Quiz Night
One of the most eagerly anticipated evenings on the school calendar. The House Quiz Night is a heady mix of traditional Pub Quiz, University Challenge and Taskmaster! Families and friends unite in their Houses and pit their wits against other teams in the Pub Quiz rounds. Here are four student teams competing for victory in the University Challenge with real buzzers, and the Heads of House are hilariously humiliated in tasks set them by the devious Taskmaster!
Sports Day
In July the four Houses compete in Track events in front of the whole school.
This is a day in which students really step up to represent their House. There is also a mascot race and Teachers compete in a staff relay!