Safeguarding and Anti-Bullying – The Theale Green Way
Key Contact Details:
Theale Green School switchboard: 01189 302 741
If you have any concerns, please email
SENDCo : Mrs Claire Lloyd
Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Marianna Tottman
Headteacher: Mrs Charlotte Badarello
Safeguarding our Students
Theale Green School is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for children, young people, staff and visitors, promoting a climate where everyone will feel confident about sharing any concerns they may have about their own safety or the well-being of others.
Safeguarding is about ensuring that everyone is safe from harm, including being safe from bullying, physically and online, safe from people who could abuse, whether they be peers or adults, safe from discrimination or harassment, ultimately making sure we all feel safe in our environment. Within Theale Green School we follow guidelines from Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE annual updates) and Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018. To view our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, please click here: Child Protection and Safeguarding.
Our Theale Green School Safeguarding Procedure can be found here.
If you have any concerns about the welfare of your child or any other student in the school, please speak directly to the Senior Safeguarding Lead, using the contact details above or alternatively email the Safeguarding Team email:

At Theale Green School we are committed to working with our students to promote pro-social behaviour, following our core values, that of “respect”. We will provide support and guidance to both victims of bullying, to ensure they feel safe and supported within school and the wider community and also to perpetrators, in the understanding that support and education will result in sustained changes in behaviour.
The anti-bullying procedures provide a clear staged approach to anti-bullying, and parents/carers will be informed of the progress at each stage of the process. Should you have any concerns regarding any student at Theale Green School being bullied please contact either the student’s Tutor in the first instance.
We are dedicated to continually reviewing and updating the support and guidance provided to all members of our community and value the input from parents/carers and students to underpin our processes. The Anti-Bullying Student Ambassadors program has been launched this academic year as part of our development plan, as part of this process. To view the Anti-Bullying development plan please click here.
Sources of Advice for Parents/Carers
Youngminds is a Mental Health charity that signposts you to all the relevant support available. They also have leaflets and booklets that offer information on a variety of mental health issues from school problems to mental illness in families.
The Edge is a specialist service that provides support, help and guidance to young people, under the age of 18 years of age (and their families), who have alcohol and/or drug-related problems.
For help and advice about a wide range of issues contact Childline who have trained counsellors to support you. Childline is free, confidential, and available any time, day or night.
Support and tips to help you keep children safe. From advice on children’s mental health to staying safe online, support for parents and what to do if you are worried about a child.
Internet Safety
New technologies and access to the internet enables children, parents and carers to gain information from a wide range of sources, such as social media, forums, inappropriate websites and makes cyber-bullying possible.
E-safety is a key priority at Theale Green School. We aim to ensure pupils stay safe at school but also gain the knowledge and understanding of how to stay safe online whilst at home.
Please take a moment to read the information provided in the links below to learn how you can protect yourself, if you are a student, or your child, if you are a parent/carer.
We want all children and young people in Theale Green School to be able to make positive choices in their lives with our support, therefore the safeguarding team will provide information for parents/carers and students to help keep children and young people safe, as we become aware of any new concerns.
General e-safety guidance for parents
The thinkuknow website is a great place for young people to find out lots of information about the sites that they like to visit, new technology, even mobile phones. For those of you who look after young people there is an area for you too. There are resources you can use at home to “get up to speed” with internet technology. You can also use this website to report a webpage or a person you have been chatting to online. The thinkuknow website is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection [CEOP] Centre.
ChildNet is an excellent website that provides e-safety information for parents so you can keep your child safe.
The Better Internet for Kids guide to online services aims to provide key information about some of the most popular apps, social networking sites and other platforms, which are commonly being used by children and young people (and adults) today.
The BBC Webwise website provides a range of educational materials designed to inform young people and parents about the safe way to use the internet.
This site will provide guidance and reassurance about how to keep children and young people safe on their smart phones and related devices.
Reporting concerns
If parents/carers or students have any concerns about something they have seen online or someone they have been speaking to online. The following organisations can help:
Parents and young people are encouraged to report internet abuse, such as inappropriate websites or someone who has behaved inappropriately online. Click the button below to report an incident.
Young people can also call ChildLine to discuss any concerns they have, or any upsetting experiences have experienced online. Click the button below to go the ChildLine website.
Factsheets for parents
Checklist to help parents keep children safe
Image Credits:
1: TGS Safeguarding and Anti-Bullying– Slidesgo @ and Freepik @