SEND and Inclusion – The Theale Green Way

Key Contact Details

SENDCo | Mrs Claire Lloyd |

Theale Green School has a culture of high expectations, where we Lift the Lid for all students. To find out more about this, see our teaching and learning strategy. We celebrate and develop the individual talents and particular interests of every student. We want to inspire all students to reach their full potential, supporting them to have high aspirations and to value independence, alongside our core values of respect, hard work and progress. We acknowledge that not all students are the same and that is why we believe it is important to know every child in our school, understanding what interests them, their areas of strength and the areas in which they require support.  

All of our teachers and support staff receive training related to SEND and are ready to adapt their lessons and approaches to cater to your child’s needs and barriers to learning. TGS has a strong culture of staff professional development and we are always engaging with new and innovative ways to support SEND students. 

The Special Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCO) work together with all staff and external agencies to provide the best possible support for all students, including in class support, dedicated group work via the Zones of Regulation to support emotions and wellbeing and collaboration with external bodies such as the Educational Psychologist, when required. Please click here to find our latest SEND report and the West Berkshire Local Offer, and here to read our Trust SEND policy.  

Effective assessment and provision for children with SEND or any other additional needs will be secured in partnership with parents/carers, the young person, the Local Authority, and any other appropriate external services. Support is provided for any student who at any time in their school career requires additional support or provision to help them to achieve success. 

We also believe that maintaining your child’s safety and wellbeing is central to their development, and therefore we aim to create an environment in which differences are celebrated, with student SEND ambassadors as an integral part of our decision-making progress.  

Our students are encouraged to believe in themselves and to pursue their dreams and aspirations. We provide them with every opportunity to develop their wide-ranging talents and skills so that when they leave Theale Green School, they are fully prepared to excel in their chosen pathway.  

Scaffolding Framework to  support Teaching & Learning for students with SEND   

The framework is designed to help Teachers and Learning Mentors scaffold students’ learning and encourage independent learning, as much as possible. All staff will move down the layers in turn. 

The initial expectation is that students will self-scaffold whilst the Teacher or Learning Mentor observes their performance. The Teacher or Learning Mentors should then intervene appropriately when students demonstrate they are unable to proceed. It is important that the Learning is set by teachers, and supported by Learning Mentors, providing students with the right level of challenge. A year 7 student commented:

“I used to wait for someone to tell me what to do, now I know I can work it out myself”

and a parent of Year 7 student emailed to say, “What a difference a school makes!”   

For a more detailed understanding of the Education Endowment Trust’s guidance:
EEF_Special_Educational_Needs_in_Mainstream_Schools_Guidance_Report.pdf ( 

Image credits:  

1: TGS  Inclusion Department- SEND – Slidesgo @ and Freepik @
2: Scaffolding Image – EEF_Special_Educational_Needs_in_Mainstream_Schools_Guidance_Report.pdf (